our responsibility


At Array, everyone shares equally in the responsibility of promoting a safe and healthy work environment and ensuring the sustainable operation of our business. This commitment is the foundation for ERA: Empowering Responsibility at Array.

For our commitment to sustainability, we have been awarded:

  • The 2020 Sustainability Leadership Award from the Business Intelligence Group.
  • The 2023 Sustainability Initiative of the Year for Circularity Program.

We pursue ambitious sustainability goals, prioritize the use of eco-friendly materials and processes that minimize our environmental impact, and support sustainable operations.

Core initatives:

  • environemental aspects & impacts
  • resource usage
  • waste management
  • emissions management
  • product life cycle

We actively seek to build a workforce rich in diverse perspectives with our Diversity and Inclusion Program, known as DinA, which focuses on providing employment opportunities to individuals facing social or economic challenges.

Core initiatives:

  • occupational health & safety
  • employee wellbeing
  • human rights
  • supporting local communities
  • diversity & inclusion

We maintain high standards of transparency and accountability, and incorporate ethical practices into all aspects of our business.

Core initatives:

  • ESG performance, reporting & disclosure
  • certifications & audits
  • risk management
  • legal compliance
  • business ethics & code of conduct
  • Materials Consultation

    Optimize your environmental impact with our expert materials consultation, ensuring you use the most sustainable resources available in visual merchandising.

  • Carbon Analysis

    Gain insights into your environmental impact with precise carbon footprint measurements, empowering you to make informed sustainability decisions.

  • Life Cycle Management Services

    We prioritize recycling and reuse to minimize environmental impact, offering comprehensive solutions that extend beyond use to include responsible disposal and material recovery.

  • Supply Chain Optimization

    Our supply chain solutions help you meet both environmental goals and business objectives, ensuring a greener and more resilient operation.

  • Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives

    Strengthen your corporate ethos with our Diversity & Inclusion initiatives that foster an inclusive workplace and enhance community engagement.

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our Sustainability
  • UNGC

    We proudly support the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact related to human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

    Learn more
  • CDP

    We participate in the Carbon Disclosure Project, indicating our sustainability leadership, management of climate related risks and transparent disclosure.

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  • EcoVadis

    We consistently receive a Gold Recognition Level from EcoVadis in consecutive assessments, significantly surpassing industry averages.

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  • ISO 45001

    We are aligned with and follow the requirements of ISO 45001, the international standard for occupational health and safety, designed to protect employees and visitors from work-related accidents and diseases.

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  • ISO 14001

    We are aligned with and follow the requirements of ISO 14001, focusing on developing a systematic approach to managing our environmental responsibilities and reducing waste and resource use.

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  • Sustainability Standard

    Our practices have been recognized in the retail display industry for adhering to sustainability standards, ensuring our operations support environmental stewardship.

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  • Sedex & SMETA 4P

    We undergo regular audits under Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) and SA8000 standards, confirming our products are produced ethically and with environmental consciousness. Additionally, we use the same standards to work collaboratively with our supply chain, enhancing transparency and ethical practices across our operations.